Last Friday was my fake birthday. It's a real thing- a fake birthday. It is celebrated every year in our house on September 13th. When we were first dating Adam would pretend that he thought that was my birthday. I thought it was a joke -but then he actually celebrated it. I thought he was proposing the first time he celebrated it...I ended up with a fishing pole instead of a diamond. Every year we celebrate my fake birthday with doing fun things that are hobbies or interests of Adam's. It is always a good time.
This year was very fun! Here are some pictures of the day.
First we got a massage. It was so wonderful.
Adam's grandparents bought all the grandkids a fence post at a local playground when he was younger. We found it!
This is blurry :/ but we went to the shooting range. This was a blast!
Apparently I'm a natural at this...
Hoping this means an intruder wouldn't do us much damage...
Of course we went to Adam's my favorite restaurant. Buffalo Wild Wings.
I did get one of my all time favorite cupcakes from Camicakes.
We went out on a canoe ride at sunset. My handsome, blurry chauffeur.
We went to an island with a bunch of birds in use my new BB Gun. Oops. Haha.
It was such a pretty night.
I'm pretty hard core with my BB Gun. Please laugh at this and don't think this was supposed to be a good picture of me.
As you can see- my fake birthday is a big deal. I won't complain about extra time with Adam and extra birthday celebration. I'm so thankful for such a creative, and fun husband.