The rod of discipline will remove it far from him." This verse went through my head all day! I was telling my mom that I was looking for surrounding verses or footnotes that would tell me how long it was going to take to drive it far from him! :) It was a hard day-but the truth of that verse kept me consistent in my discipline of Matthew. There was a sweet moment of the day that I did capture a picture of. We were all snuggled together watching Veggie Tales-Matthew loves to hold hands when he's watching tv. I love it!
Friday I prayed for energy. Adam was coming home-but not until dinner time and I needed a little something extra to get me through. The verse that I prayed all Thursday night was, Lamentations 3:21-23, "This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. The LORD'S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." And God was faithful-Matthew was the most obedient he had been all week on Friday! It was a LONG day waiting for Adam to get home but it was a good one. I am SO thankful.
We played outside with the water table-well more in the puddle than anything! :)
He also enjoyed chillin' in his lawn chair for a while. :)
Matthew woke up from his nap and was in hysterics because he wanted to see daddy-but daddy wasn't home yet. All he wanted me to do was hold him. We ended up waiting outside for about 15-20 minutes after his nap for daddy. He did not want to wait inside-he was much too excited for that. Only he kept crying because he wanted to see Adam so bad! It was very sweet- and stressful at the same time. I was having to get really creative to fill those LONG 20 minutes of waiting!
Finally Adam got home and Matthew was squealing with joy! :) I'm glad his daddy is back home. It's not the same or good without him here!
We spent the evening having friends over for dinner-and making preparations for a party we have tomorrow. A sad party. The Potter's going away party. :(
Peyton is Matthew's best friend and she is moving away at the end of the month.
Peyton's parents happen to also be our good friends too. :/ I am SO sad that they are leaving! I'm sure today (it is the wee hours of it) is going to be filled with laughter and tears. I'm so very grateful for what the Potter's have meant in our lives and am going to miss their presence here in Jacksonville. Hopefully there will be lots of visits made and our friendship will continue to develop across the distance. Wow-my heart is filled with sadness... Hopefully I'm not a hot mess all day!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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