Our computer has also been broken for a few months. We now have a new computer and it is wonderful! I am enjoying getting to know its new features. Yesterday I face-timed my parents from the computer! :)
Since the last time I successfully posted was in January-you can imagine that a lot has happened. Matthew sleeps in a big boy bed.
He is also talking up a storm! I think his little voice is so sweet (most of the time). Haha. The way he pronounces words with a little lisp is precious to me. The boy loves to tell stories! When he, is he does this thing in between words that sounds like "uh uh"and a laugh-because he is so into and excited about what he's saying.
He is learning how to have first time obedience. When his little voice says "sorry" it melts my heart. We are also trying to teach him manners. He's pretty good at saying please. He will say thank you when you remind him, which sounds like "wah wook." Not sure where that comes from but to me it's sweet.
Matthew is also now a big brother... And an excellent one at that!
Andrew Caleb joined us on March 30th at 5:05 AM. He was 8 lb. 6 oz. and 21 3/4 inches long. The delivery went great.
I am so blessed to have been given two sweet little boys to care for.
Meeting Andrew for the first time.
My three boys
On our way home!
Since we have been home things have been much easier than I expected. Matthew had/has some obedience issues but he has always been sweet to Andrew which I am so thankful for! I'm sure his disobedience has something to do with being 2 now! And of course because he is a sinner. At least he gives me many reminders a day to pray that he will know Jesus at a young age!
Andrew is a great baby! He fell into a schedule so easily. I never knew how you could love one child as much as another-but I'm thankful that I do now! I crave the snuggly moments with Matthew as I read him books or lay with him in bed as he wakes up. I also love the snuggle times with Andrew when Matthew is napping and it's just our time.
I get so excited thinking about Matthew and Andrew becoming friends as they grow up. Matthew is such a sweet big brother. I look forward to seeing what this looks like as they get older.
I have heard many stories from friends and people I don't know recently of children lost. Whether it was before they have been born or after. I feel so sick to my stomach when I hear about these things. I know how precious my boys are to me and am deeply sad for those that have lost those children that they have loved with the same intensity. It reminds me to be verbally thankful to the Lord for his gifts to me. I cannot imagine going through the loss of a child. I know that he provides grace and strengthen for those moments but I cannot imagine experiencing that. I am blessed by many of these people's testimonies to God's faithfulness to them-and their confidence in his plan and care for their little ones. Should I ever be put through that trial I pray I respond like them. Jesus is lifted higher and that is obvious. I did not mean for any of that to be depressing but it is something that has been in my heart lately-thankfulness for my boys and my heartbreak for those who have lost children.
I did experience my own temporary loss 2 weeks ago with the death of my grandpa. He had been battling Parkinson's. I am so thankful that even though his battle was suffering-he did not suffer very long compared to what it could be. The confused state that he lived in because of the fogginess of his mind and the pain and inability because of his failing body makes it impossible to not rejoice in his being taken out of that suffering. And when I know that this Jesus-loving, Jesus-focused man is now living with Jesus I can be at peace! We traveled to NC for his memorial service. It was a very precious time celebrating who my grandpa was with all the family and friends that got to attend.
Since being home from NC we have been keeping busy! Lots of time playing outside and spending time with friends. It is starting to feel like summer so water events are fun but not too miserable yet! :)
This weekend it is just me and the boys. We have 2 birthday parties so we should stay pretty busy!
This post was pretty random and covered a large period of time but it feels good to have written. I am now nursing in the middle of the night and apparently my Facebook friends are not awake to post things all night to keep me entertained so it is a great time to blog! Also-if things don't make complete sense-please remember...it was written in the middle of the night! :)
Until next time...
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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